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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, 2025 Feb 8 – Feb 25
This Week’s Sky at a Glance, 2025 Feb 8 – Feb 25
Current Weekly Sky at a Glance ~by Curt Nason
Current Monthly Calendar
Current Monthly Calendar
Click the pic to enlarge or here for the pdf.
Astronomy Photo of the Week
Cathy Adams
~SJAC Meetings~ 
The next meeting of the Saint John Astronomy Club is this Saturday at 7 pm in the Rockwood Park Interpretation Centre.
1. It’s About Time: Some information about our calendar and time.
2. Observing / Outreach reports
3. Show & Tell, Buy & Sell
4. Depending on time, maybe another talk
5. Business: Next meeting talks; club scope and books; upcoming outreach
Recap of January meeting
1. Observing reports were related by T Raithby, M Powell, M West, Y Kippers and C Nason.
2. P Webb gave a presentation on meteorites. Following that M. Powell, C Nason, S Picard, R Armstrong and B Whittaker displayed their collections of meteorites and interesting rocks.
3 Business: M West mentioned receiving several Facebook requests for a telescope clinic from people with new telescopes. (A clinic was held on February 1 with about 9 people seeking assistance. Solar observing was also offered.) W Koke asked about an astrophotography course, particularly one on shooting comets.
Last Meetings Notes
Members can send images to sjacimages@gmail.com
Get all of the Monthly Messier Objects Here
By Curt Nason.
~Stuff you can use~
New or old to Astronomy, you can usually find some useful information in our Members’ Contributions Page. Check out Matt West’s Using Telescope Filters and Mike Powell’s Finders and How to use Them and Equipment Basics.
~New Brunswick Star Parties for 2025~
~Here are some Photos from Fundy StarGaze 2024~
~New Brunswick Star Parties for 2025~
The RASC NB Star Party dates are now posted here
The Sunday Night Astronomy Show
Join us for this week’s episode of the Sunday Night Astronomy Show in our new format.
On Sunday evening at 8 pm, tune in to the Sunday Night Astronomy Show via the Facebook page or YouTube channel of Astronomy by the Bay.
Be sure to tune in Sunday evening at 8pm ADT…here on Facebook, and on my YouTube channel
We’ll be live for our one hour program beginning at 8pm ADT. We hope you can join us!
Past shows can still be seen at Astronomy by the Bay YouTube channel.
Be sure to tune in with Chris, Paul, and Mike to find out what’s new in Astronomy.
~RASC NB Horizon Autumn 2024 Newsletter~
For past RASC NB Horizon Newsletter
SJAC members have Asteroid’s named in their honor
(20020) Mipach = 1991 VT
Discovery: 1991-11-04 / Y. Mizuno, T. Furuta / Kani / 403
astronomers in New Brunswick, Canada. Motivated by the coronavirus lockdown to offer online
presentations, they created The Sunday Night Astronomy Show, a live, interactive, informal program
covering observing, equipment and special events. Over 150 editions have been produced.
10052 Nason
Discovered 1987-Sep-16 by Debehogne, H. at La Silla
Messier Marathon List and Guides
Above~ Don Machholz, one of the founders of the Messier Marathon which is at optimum during the month of March. Click to view his suggested Messier Marathon Checklist. This is a short and sweet one page guide from March 2000 Sky and Telescope.
Above~ Click to view the Ultimate Messier Object Log in pdf, a comprehensive guide.
Shortages in telescopes, interest in the night sky has increased as Astronomy has revealed itself to be the perfect hobby during a pandemic. ~CBC/The Current/surging interest in Astronomy
Hobby Killers: What Telescopes not to Buy
Good article by Jerry Oltion of Sky and Telescope– Hobby Killers: What Telescopes not to Buy. Best universal advice from all sources: Join an astronomy club, attend an Outreach Event or Star Party, ask a few questions and just hang out. Lot easier on the pocketbook and nerves in the long run.
Seeing the Constellations with Different Eyes
The Obibwe Wintermaker and Hole-in-the-Sky
How other cultures view some of the constellations~by Curt Nason
Neat Planet Rotation Demo
Click the pic above to view a neat planet rotation demo Link to a planet rotation demo via James O’Donoghue and NASA. Try it full screen on your desktop.
Explore the Universe Astronomy Course
The Explore the Universe Course concluded in October 2017 with a great rundown on the life history of a star and an overview of some Deep Sky Objects. This course was offered by Curt Nason and the SJAC, and will be followed up by Night Time Imaging with Paul Owen in November.
This course was based on the Explore the Universe beginner’s observing program of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC). By locating, observing and recording 55 of 110 objects you can receive an Explore the Universe certificate and pin, and you do not have to be a member of the RASC
This can be achieved using only your eyes and binoculars, although a small telescope might be required to observe all 110 objects. Although the Course is now over, you can still participate.
What you need:
RASC Explore the Universe Program Requirements.pdf
RASC Fillable Application Form.pdf
Optional~ Explore the Universe Guide Book (2nd Edition)
Overview~RASC RASC.CA/Explore the Universe.
Note: You can view recaps of each four evenings on our page.
Questions? Contact Curt Nason.
RASC NB 20th Anniversary Newsletter Edition
See what stargazers in New Brunswick were up to 20 years ago in the RASC NB 20th Anniversary of the Horizon.
Astronomy for Everyone~
Go for a walk on the beach, have a look at the stars.
Above–telescopes set up at Saints Rest Beach in Saint John for public viewing. Just check the fb page of Astronomy by the Bay to see if anyone is going on a clear night.
Handy Guide for Star Pronunciation~
Ever wonder how to pronounce some of the stars? Click to pic above
Making Time Lapse Photographs of the Night Sky~
Tom Raithby’s presentations on Night Time Lapse Photography and Night Time Lapse Photography. Click the pics to view.
Making 360° Panoramas of the Night Sky~
Jim Stewart’s presentation Making 360° Panoramas of the Night Sky at the Photographing the Night Sky series in November, 2017.
Using “Sign Posts” to Navigate the Night Sky~
Constellations in our night sky can serve as “sign posts”… showing the way to other constellations and objects. One of the best is “The Big Dipper”… in Ursa Major. More…
A different kind of Outreach~
A Facebook Live feed provides a unique opportunity for people across Canada and the globe to look through telescopes. Chris Curwin from Astronomy by the Bay has been sharing his Facebook Live views since 2017 and the results are astounding. Over 325,000 viewers from April 2017 to June 2019!
Stargazing is Like a Box of Chocolates~by Curt Nason
A memorable line from the movie Forrest Gump compared life to a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get. Although the night sky is full of predictable observing targets and events, it is the unexpected treasures that make stargazing so enjoyable. Continue…
Free Astronomy Workshop Info now Available~
The Free Astronomy Workshop Series in early 2017 proved a success. You can access almost all of the information presented in the Series here in pdf form:
Telescope Basics
Imaging the Moon
Astronomy by the Bay~
One of the more interesting things you’ll find in Saint John is “that guy on the beach with a telescope” at Saints Rest Beach. Astronomer Chris Curwin practices the art of Sidewalk Astronomy, and calls his efforts Astronomy by the Bay. Above is a 360 panorama of a typical June evening beside the Bay of Fundy.
He clocked an amazing 3.393 people to his scope(s) in 2017, and is often joined by other astronomers. You can check his FB page to see if he is going there tonight, and you can often take a pic with your phone through the scope. Check out the 2017 Thank You Video from Chris.
Learning the Night Sky Hints
Learning the night sky can be a very rewarding experience… and today more than ever, we have many tools to guide us at our fingertips. More..
Astronomy Clubs across Canada~
Got cabin fever? Housebound? Why not take a trip across Canada and check out a few of the Astronomy Clubs in Canada.
Two Great Reasons to Join the RASC
For anyone curious about the night sky, joining the RASC can be a very rewarding experience. You don’t even need a telescope, just your interest. Among other benefits, a yearly Membership includes the well sought after Observer’s Handbook, now in is 109th year, the popular Canadian astronomy magazine SkyNews, and digital access to the bi-monthly Journal of the RASC (login required). The Handbook and SkyNews alone can make membership worthwhile.
A portion of the yearly membership fee goes to the Centre of your choice to help finance local activities and education. Our local is RASC NB New Brunswick Centre. If you aren’t sure, or are simply curious, ask someone at your local Astronomy Club to borrow a previous year’s Handbook. You’ll see why it is found in observatory control rooms and astronomers’ reference shelves worldwide.
The SJAC meets the first Saturday of every month @ 7pm in the Rockwood Park Interpretation Centre in Saint John. The meetings are always informal and are open to anybody interested in talking about Astronomy. All are welcome–no experience necessary!