~Members’ Contributions by Subject–
Building an Itty Bitty Radio Telescope ~Mike Powell
Astronomy Gear–Where to buy ~SJAC Discussion
Astronomy Equipment Basics ~Mike Powell
Astronomy Observing Reports ~David McCashion
AstroZoo ~Matt West
Building my Home Observatory–“PFO” ~ Mike Powell
Europa ~ Chris Curwin, Astronomy by the Bay
Favourite Binocular Targets ~ Chris Curwin, Astronomy by the Bay
Finders and how to use them ~ Mike Powell
Free Astronomy Workshops ~Paul Owen
Telescope Basics
Imaging the Moon
Hiawatha Impact Crater ~Phil Webb
~See also Impact Craters & Younger Dryas
Intro to 360° Nighttime Panoramic Photography ~Jim Stewart
Kepler Space Telescope ~Rob Leathley
The Search for Life–Part 1 ~Rob Leathley
The Search for Life–Part 2 ~Rob Leathley
Learning from the Lunar Landings ~Curt Nason
Learning the Night Sky ~Chris Curwin, Astronomy by the Bay
Listening to Jupiter ~ Mike Powell
Maine Solar System Model ~Matt West
Messier Objects for Monthly Observing ~Curt Nason
Or, click on the individual links below for an easy to follow pdf:
January Messiers
February Messiers
March Messiers
April Messiers
May Messiers
June Messiers
July Messiers
August Messiers
September Messiers
November Messiers
December Messiers
Milankovitch Cycles ~ Matt West
See also the page Milankovitch Cycles with links.
The Moon ~ Mike Powell
Night Time Lapse Photography ~Tom Raithby
Night Time Lapse Photography 2018 ~Tom Raithby
Scaled Solar System Models ~ Len Larkin
“Sign Posts” for Navigating the Night Sky ~Chris Curwin, Astronomy by the Bay
Stargazing is Like a Box of Chocolates ~Curt Nason
Star Hopping ~Chris Curwin, Astronomy by the Bay
The Sun ~ Mike Powell
Using Telescope Filters ~Matt West
Younger Dryas Cause and Effect ~Matt West
~See also Impact Craters & Younger Dryas
If you have a presentation on file and would like to submit it, we would love to see it. It can be a pdf, Power Point, MS Word, email with pics, whatever. We will try to work with any file you send, and you can look at a draft page before publishing.
Please send to Jim Stewart. If email is a problem, bring the file on a stick and we will load it onto a laptop at the next meeting. Thanks.