Star Parties in New Brunswick


RASC NB (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada-New Brunswick Centre) works with Parks Canada and Parks New Brunswick to bring you Star Parties in settings that can be nothing short of spectacular. You can also visit RASC NB Star Parties for more info.

~ New Brunswick Star Party Calendar for 2025~


May 30th and 31st.
Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest
Kouchibouguac National Park

COW Mactaquac Star Party
(Camping & Observing Weekend) Mactaquac Provincial Park

August 1-2, 2025

Mount Carleton Star Party
Star Party near Site 44, Armstrong Campground
Mount Carleton Provincial Park

Fundy Park StarGaze

August 22-23, 2025

Looking forward to Fundy StarGaze 2025

September 12-13, 2025

Kouchibouguac Fall StarFest
Kouchibouguac National Park

Important: Always check the respective RASC NB Star Parties pages for the latest info, itinerary and changes before heading out.

Note: We are no longer including Sundays for solar observing in any Star Party dates as most astronomers need to be heading home. Solar Observing will happen on the Saturday afternoons instead.

These five star parties are in addition to the other Outreach and educational activities the RASC NB organizes in New Brunswick. Because of the relatively low light pollution and low air pollution in a Province of less than 800,000, dark skies await the curious if the weather cooperates.

RASC NB, in concert with the Parks system,  coordinates locations and campsites to give astronomers with their equipment the best experience possible, while allowing the public access to enjoy and experience the night sky.

Above~ Some of the images from the five RASC NB Star Parties. These events are always free and open to the public.

Photo of the Cygnus region of the Milky Way, taken at Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest 2019 by Paul Owen.Above~photo of the Cygnus region of the Milky Way, taken at the Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest 2019 by Paul Owen.

Above~ Milky Way from Fundy Star Gaze

Photo of the night sky at the 2018 Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest by Paul Owen.Above~another shot of the Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest 2018 by Paul Owen.

View at one of the Star Parties in New Brunswick at Mount Carleton Provincial Park

Photo of twilight at the Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest 2017.

Setting up telescopes at one of New Brunswick's five star parties.


A photo of two telescopes set up at the 2016 Fundy Star Party at Fundy National Park

A large telescope set up at the COW Mactaquac Star Party.

Part of the camping and telescope setup at the COW Mactaquac Star Party.

Photo by Paul Owen of the 2015 Mount Carleton Star PartyAbove~ photo by Paul Owen at the Mount Carleton Star Party 2015.

Photo of a star party scene in New Brunswick.

Photo of a star party at Fundy National Park by Paul Owen.

Photo of Star Party at Fundy National Park.

Photo of a Star Party at Fundy National Park.

Star Parties present a unique opportunity for anyone to check out equipment. You can look through various types of telescopes, and pick the brains of people with different approaches and interests in a fascinating hobby.

Logo of the RASC Dark Sky Preserve.

Both National Parks in New Brunswick, Kouchibouguac and Fundy, are now Dark Sky Preserves, as well as Mount Carleton Provincial Park. Mount Carleton has some of the darkest skies in Canada.

~You do not need a telescope to attend a Star Party~

What usually happens at Star Party~

Around sunset – A “What’s Up?” slideshow presentation occurs at a nearby pavilion. These presentations are worth attending as they show you what you can expect to see as darkness falls and the night progresses.
About an hour after sunset – Night sky viewing with telescopes. Weather permitting, explore the universe through a variety of telescopes. The planets shine early, then constellations, nebula and star clusters become more visible as total darkness approaches. This is a great opportunity to see views through different kinds of equipment.

1:00 to 3:00 PM – Solar observing, weather permitting. Observe our nearest star safely through specially filtered telescopes. This is a great opportunity for adults and kids alike.
1:00 to 3:00 PM – Free telescope clinic and astrophotography clinic. Bring your telescope for a tuneup and learn about astrophotography. Learn how people just like you take the photos as shown in RASC NB Photos of the Month.
Around sunset – “What’s Up?” slideshow presentation at a nearby pavilion.
About an hour after sunset – Night sky viewing with telescopes.

Schedule and Itinerary~ Please visit RASC NB Star Parties, then click on the individual Star Party links for details and updates.

Facebook~ usually posted on the RASC NB and respective Park Facebook pages.

How to Attend:

If you do not have a telescope~ simply show up, or make camping reservations at the campground you wish to attend. There is no fee to attend, although the Park may charge an entry fee. Our Star Party pages have direct links to campground reservations plus other information.

If you have a telescope and equipment~ click on the individual pages of the RASC NB Start Parties in New Brunswick about spaces available in the astronomers’ camping area. The links to register for a site are posted when they become available.

Star Party Etiquette–for any Star Party, Anywhere~

Photo showing Star Party Etiquette of using your eyes, not hands.

Logo of the RASC New Brunswick Centre

See also RASC NB Star Parties for an overview of events. It is a good idea to check pages for last minute changes before heading out.

Group photo of attendees at the 2016 Fundy Star Party at Fundy National Park

Watch Online–
CBC presents The Night Sky, Land and Sea Episode~

Photo from CBC presentation The Night Sky from a Land and Sea episode about three Dark Sky Sites and the Fundy Star Party 2016
Above~ Click to watch the CBC Land and Sea episode The Night Sky featuring our own Fundy Star Party in 2016 and two other Dark Sky Sites in Nova Scotia. Film feature includes interviews with members of RASC.NB and the SJAC. About 22 minutes.

Short video from our YouTube Channel~

Also see our Upcoming Events page for current listings.

~Tourism & Travel Information~

Tourism New Brunswick, Explore NB