This Week’s Sky at a Glance, 2023 Sept. 30 – Oct. 7
This Week’s Sky at a Glance, 2023 Sept. 30 – Oct. 7
Aquarius the Water Bearer is the source of all the water associated with our southern autumn constellations. It is situated among Pisces to the east and Capricornus to the west, with Pegasus north and Pisics Austrinus south. Its western end stretches over top of Capricornus. Most of the stars of Aquarius are relatively dim but one asterism stands out, the tight group of four stars that forms the Water Jar. Resembling a circle with three spokes, this asterism is also called the Steering Wheel.
One tale from mythology has Aquarius representing Ganymede, the handsome son of a Trojan king. Zeus was attracted to the lad and sent his pet eagle to kidnap him. Ganymede was given the important position of cup bearer (wine pourer) at Olympian feasts. There may have been another motive for the kidnapping; the moons of the planet Jupiter are named for Zeus’s lovers and Ganymede is the largest of those moons.
A few Messier objects lie within Aquarius, the best being the globular cluster M2. I usually star hop to this one by going from a star in the neck of Pegasus to its ear, and extending that line an equal distance. A fainter globular cluster, M73, is above the back of Capricornus, and just to its east is enigmatic M73. Stargazers wonder how this four-star asterism made it to the Messier list. Nearby to the northeast a moderate-size telescope might reveal the Saturn Nebula (NGC 7009), the glowing gaseous remnant of a dead star that somewhat resembles the ringed planet. As a bonus, this season Saturn is moving eastward through the middle of Aquarius.
This Week in the Solar System
Saturday’s sunrise in Moncton is at 7:16 am and sunset will occur at 7:01 pm, giving 11 hours, 45 minutes of daylight (7:20 am and 7:06 pm in Saint John). Next Saturday the Sun will rise at 7:25 am and set at 6:48 pm, giving 11 hours, 23 minutes of daylight (7:29 am and 6:53 pm in Saint John).
The Moon is full on Friday, September 29, and it is at third quarter next Friday. Along the way it passes near Jupiter on Sunday, the Pleiades star cluster on Tuesday, and Pollux in Gemini on Friday. Venus brightens the morning sky in the east as it approaches Regulus in Leo. Mercury rises around 6 am this weekend but more than a half hour later next weekend. Saturn is at its best for observing in late evening, still giving good views of its rings in a telescope. Jupiter rises mid-evening, riding high for great observing from late evening to morning twilight.
Weather permitting, a rain date for the cancelled RASC NB star party at Fundy National Park will take place on the evening of October 6 at Herring Cove. The Sunday Night Astronomy Show is back from summer vacation, airing at 8 pm Sundays on the Facebook page and YouTube channel of Astronomy by the Bay.