Upcoming Events


Outreach Opportunities

Event Possibilities  TBA

Past SJAC Outreach

Link to the Outreach page of the Saint John Astronomy Club.

~ New Brunswick Star Party Calendar for 2025~


Kouchibouguac Spring StarFest
Gala des étoiles du printemps de Kouchibouguac

May 30th and 31st.

COW Mactaquac Star Party


(Camping & Observing Weekend) Mactaquac Provincial Park

~Mount Carleton Star Party


Mount Carleton Provincial Park

Fundy Park StarGaze


Fundy National Park

Kouchibouguac Fall StarFest
Gala des étoiles de l’automne de Kouchibouguac

Important: Always check the respective RASC NB Star Parties pages for the latest info, itinerary and changes before heading out.


You can also follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information on our upcoming activities.

~Every Sunday @8pm~
The Sunday Night Astronomy Show

The S.N.A.S. (Sunday Night Astronomy Show)